qD Consult (T) Ltd is a Tanzanian privately managed consulting firm, established in 2006 as Architectural consulting firm. The firm is legally registered with the board of Architects and
Quantity Surveyors Registration Board (AQRB), with the aim of providing multidisciplinary consultancy services to the public and private clients internationally.
The firm is fully owned by Tanzanian professionals, and currently is working through the office located at Kambangwa street in Kinondoni "B" in Dar es Salaam.
The entire professional staffs of qD Consult (T) Ltd are involved in undertaking a broad range of consulting services in the field ranging from preliminary planning, detailed design, and
supervision of new constructions, refurbishment and rehabilitation of various buildings to project management.
The Firm’s Vision:
To become a centre of excellence for provision of Consultancy services Worldwide.
The Firm’s Mision:
Is to provide high quality standard of services through combination and advanced Technology but appropriate and compatible to Tanzania environment with sound traditional competence,
Awareness of current trends in the plant & equipments and design practices with incorporation of computer applications.